Company News
Market for TISCO’s New Product-Corrosion Resistant Die Steel Plate-Expanding

By Shi Ying UpDate 2013-07-31
Recently, after the trial and test of TISCO’s corrosion resistant die steel plates, the end-users believe that the corrosion resistant die steel plates are cost effective, their performance indexes meet the related requirements and the future market is good.

It is reported that the products of the corrosion resistant die steel plates on the market are only forged narrow plates with width of 600mm and length of about one meter. There is no hot rolled wide corrosion resistant die steel plate producer in China. In order to meet the requirements of the market and customers, TISCO overcame the bottleneck of the hot rolling and successfully produced the hot rolled wide corrosion resistant die steel plates. Now TISCO can supply the products in small batch quantity.