Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") recently discovered that some companies in the market have forged our "Sales Contract", "Mill Test Certificate", "Power of Attorney for Strategic Cooperation" and other means to sell counterfeit TISCO stainless steel products for illegitimate benefits, damaging our company's market image and reputation. This kind of illegal business activities has also damaged the interests of TISCO customers and the order of the stainless steel market, and also has a serious impact on the reputation of our company. In order to protect the rights and interests of our company and customers, we hereby issue the following statement:
1. Companies or individuals engaged in illegal business activities such as counterfeiting our company's brand, selling fake or inferior TISCO stainless steel products, forging our "Sales Contract", "Mill Test Certificate", "Power of Attorney for Strategic Cooperation" and other related documents or using the reputation of our company without permission must stop immediately; our company reserves the right to take legal measures to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests.
2. When purchasing TISCO products, users are advised to obtain information through our official website (en.tisco.com.cn), select high-quality supply channels, and request suppliers to provide complete product quality certification documents. Please stay alert for illegal business activities. If you have any questions, please call our customer service number: 8008061998, 4006531998.
3. You are welcome to report the illegal business activities of counterfeiting the TISCO brand. We sincerely thank you and will reward you as appropriate.